Extreme Composites

170 Inwood Dr

Rockdale, TX 76567




Installing vents in CTS hood


1. Sand the gel coat off of the flange where vent sits. Adhesive bonds better to bare fiberglass. 


2. Sand sides of vents to fit into inset on hood


3. Sand bottom edge of vent until it sits in the hood to your liking.

Vent can be inset flush, or left slightly raised, depending on your   preference.                               


4. Glue scoop in place using 5-minute epoxy or 3M panel adhesive.


5. Seam can be left as is, or filled to give a seamless look.


6. Prep and paint hood, vent and rain catch trays.


7. Shape screens to fit vents and glue to the back of vents with 5-minute epoxy.  Be careful, as edges of screen are sharp.


8.Test fit trays and determine where to apply 3M tape. Use tape to seal edge of tray to rib on hood and below drain opening in side of rib.  Also use tape to adhere corner tab of tray to hood inner panel.


9. Drill holes and install pop rivets on the three corners of tray that mount to rib.